Woman shocked after discovering ‘severe pain’ was caused by needle left in vagina 18 years on from childbirth

Woman shocked after discovering 'severe pain' was caused by needle left in vagina 18 years on from childbirth

Woman shocked after discovering ‘severe pain’ was caused by needle left in vagina 18 years on from childbirth

The procedure to remove the foreign object has reportedly been has been postponed several times

A woman who experienced severe pain for almost two decades got an unexpected explanation for her discomfort.

The 36-year-old woman, who hails from Thailand, gave birth 18 years ago and doctors were concerned about the excessive bleeding she was experiencing at the time.

With this in mind, medical professionals attending to the unnamed woman were keen to stitch her up as quickly as possible — but they left something behind.

A woman has experienced severe pain for 18 years after giving birth (Getty Stock Images)

A woman has experienced severe pain for 18 years after giving birth (Getty Stock Images)

After nearly 20 years of pain and discomfort, in November of last year, the woman in question approached Pavena Foundation for Children and Women for support.

She had an X-ray, which revealed that she had a needle lodged in vagina, which had been there since she gave birth 18 years ago.

It’s believed that the needle was left inside her when doctors rushed to stitch her up after childbirth in light of the excessive bleeding she had.

Upon the recent discovery, apparently a doctor tried ‘using his fingers’ to retrieve the needle, The Independant reports, but couldn’t get to it.

It was found that a needle has been left in the 36-year-old's vagina (Getty Stock Images)

It was found that a needle has been left in the 36-year-old’s vagina (Getty Stock Images)

With this in mind, she was sent for surgery in the Songkhla province. However, because the needle keeps moving inside of her, the surgery has been postponed on a handful of occasions.

The woman has to visit the hospital at least four times a month for follow-ups to monitor her health.

This caused money problems for her, which is what sparked her to reach out to Pavena Foundation for Children and Women for help.

“Her family is poor, so she asked Paveena to help,” the foundation said.

Reportedly, Pawina Hongsakul, the head of the foundation, has reached out to a public hospital and set up an appointment for the woman’s treatment, while the department of social development and human security in the province will hopefully help transport the woman to and from her home to the hospital.

An X-Ray found the root cause of the woman's pain (Getty Stock Images)

An X-Ray found the root cause of the woman’s pain (Getty Stock Images)

At the time of writing, it’s unclear if and when the woman is scheduled to have the procedure to remove the needle.

It’s also unknown if she plans on taking legal action against the hospital for the mistake that occurred 18 years ago and has affected her ever since.

Sadly, medical mistakes aren’t uncommon, and one man in Florida lost his life following his surgeon’s mistake.

William Bryan, 70, underwent surgery in August 2024, but never made it out the hopsital after the doctor allegedly removed the wrong organ.

Bryan was supposed to have his liver removed, but instead they took out his spleen.

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