Woman left stunned after discovering she had slept with her half-brother through text message

Woman left stunned after discovering she had slept with her half-brother through text message

They’d been high school sweethearts

A woman was left gobsmacked after her ex-boyfriend told her she was his half-sister via text – yeah, savage.

Having recently gone through a bit of a family nightmare, Victoria Hill was filling in her high school sweetheart at a 20-year reunion.

But he noticed some similarities in the tale with his own family’s experienced.

When Hill’s mum, Maralee, was trying to conceive, she visited fertility doctor Burton Caldwell who ended up tricking her.

He’d said the sperm would come from an anonymous medical student – but it was actually his own. Hill told CNN she only discovered her dad wasn’t her biological father after taking a 23andMe test.

The pair had been high school sweethearts. (CNN)

The pair had been high school sweethearts. (CNN)

With Caldwell working with various families, the Connecticut woman is one of at least 23 people claiming they were conceived using his sperm.

I bet you can tell where this is going as Hill’s ex-boyfriend decided to take the same genetic test.

And the 40-year-old later received a text from him with the revelation: “You are my sister.”

‘Traumatised’ by this, she now looks at her ‘whole high school experience’ differently as this relation ‘tarnishes the whole thing’.

Hill told the Daily Mail the pair had been ‘inseparable’ and intimate for about a year and may have even ended up settling down together if they hadn’t gone off to college.

Unknowingly engaging in incest, it’s been tough to navigate for both of them as they now try and work out where they stand.

“We now have to figure out how to turn that love into a sibling sort of love; we’re both struggling with it,” Hill confessed as she admits she still grapples with the the ‘attraction that pulls us together.’

Not the text you want from an ex. (CNN)

Not the text you want from an ex. (CNN)

“It makes sense why we were so incredibly comfortable together and unconditional with each other, especially at a high school age,” Hill added. “I thought it was rare, but now I understand it’s because we share 24 percent of our DNA.”

Maralee is one of four patients suing Caldwell in two separate legal actions as they allege he used his own sperm to inseminate unknowing patients.

He faces numerous accusations including the likes of misconduct, fraud and inflicting emotional distress.

State Superior Court Judge Robin Wilson previously ordered Yale to participate by providing documents related to Caldwell from 1974 to 1984.

A Yale New Haven Health spokesperson told the Mail ‘there is no evidence’ of its ‘involvement in the conduct alleged against Dr. Caldwell’.

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