Man reveals what it’s like to stay in $4,000 a night luxury suite on the world’s second largest cruise ship

Man reveals what it’s like to stay in $4,000 a night luxury suite on the world’s second largest cruise ship

The YouTuber shared a tour of the suite onboard the Royal Caribbean cruise ship

Having the opportunity to travel the world is a lot of people’s dreams, but how about doing it in luxurious style?

One man took it upon himself to show people what you get when you splash $4,000 (£3,200) per night to stay in a spacious family suite on board the Royal Caribbean Utopia of the Seas cruise ship.

Sailing across the world as a form of travel is a pricier option than flying, but you do get quite a lot for your money, despite all the rules. But would you spend a few thousand every night at sea? YouTuber Bryan James shared his what the suite features.



In his channel description, he said he is ‘living on the world’s biggest cruise ships’, and also revealed that he will be sailing on the Utopia of the Seas cruise until 7 March, having disembarked for the first time on 22 October last year.

Bryan is working as a musician on board the cruise ship though, and won’t have the luxury of staying in the impressive suite.

People have booked the room in the past and revealing what’s really inside, with a father previously sharing what you get in the suite as part of a blog.

It’s full of quirky features, such as stairs which act as a piano, playing notes as you go up and down the steps, electronically operated blinds and more.

What do you get for your money? (YouTube/Bryan James)

What do you get for your money? (YouTube/Bryan James)

It’s ideal for families in particular, with the double bunk beds in the kids’ rooms boasting a TV per bed, along with their own headphones.

The two-story suite has three bedrooms in total, as Bryan toured around the unit with his camera, showing off the ‘really nice’ bathrooms and bedrooms.

There are also coloured windows on doors and walls, in various shapes, while featuring a massive magnetic board downstairs for the kids.

That’s not all though, as there’s a slide to get you from the top floor to the bottom, a cinema room, and all the latest game consoles to keep you entertained on the water.

Going out to the balcony, he found a hot tub, table tennis table, dining table, and a lovely view of the sea.

If all of this wasn’t enough, it turns out that occupants in the room get a ‘Royal Genie’, an on-call private butler that gets anything that you please.

Users took to the comments to share what they thought of the suite, as one wrote: “This for real shows how BIG this Suite is!!!!”

A second said: “Let’s be honest, Royal Caribbean is another level cruise line”

And another pointed out: “I would go insane with the musical stairs. I’m sure lots of kids would be going up and down constantly.”

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