The 1% Club fans divided over ‘sneaky’ final question as contestant wins huge jackpot

The 1% Club fans divided over 'sneaky' final question as contestant wins huge jackpot

Lee Mack’s question had people up in arms on social media

Fans of The 1% Club have once again been left divided over the final question, which saw the winner bag a tidy £99,000.

There’s only one British TV show that can equally make viewers laugh, gasp in shock and become totally outraged.

Headed by none other than comedian Lee Mack, The 1% Club is famous for its knack for leaving viewers at home confused or even annoyed by its questions.

Not only does it pickle your brain, but the questions also throw the contestants for a loop too, especially this one question that had everyone up in arms.

Anyway, the issue from last night’s episode (8 February) came after five contestants all made it to the last round, which is no small feat.

However, Mack, gave the contestants a choice of whether they would like to each take a share of £10,000 or carry on and chance that only one of them would win £99,000.

Obviously, they chose to carry on with the question and risk their 10k for a tidy 99k, and who wouldn’t?

For this question, a contestant called Matthew won after being able to solve what seems like an incredibly sly question, and viewers had a lot to say about it.

The question Mack asked was: “If you remove all the underlined letters from the sentence below, what word can be spelt if you rearrange all of the remaining letters.”

Once again, The 1% Club has left viewers at home completely stumped (ITV)

Once again, The 1% Club has left viewers at home completely stumped (ITV)

The sentence they had to pick the letters from was: ANIMAL TOSHUNINSTAMPEDE.

Now, here’s where fans became divided by this sentence.

When you take away all of the underlined letter, you’re left with these letters: Thpelean.

If you rearrange them to something mildly readable, you’ve got the correct answer: Elephant.

However, while many people at home were convinced that there’s just no way that anyone can get the correct answer with the time given on the clock, others were quick to say that they would have made it to The 1% Club.

On social media, they battled it out, with one person accusing the show: “They were sneaky with the letter P , I’m sure a lot of people missed it, crafty behaviour from the writers of the show #The1PercentClub.”

Lee Mack's question was 'sneaky' (ITV)

Lee Mack’s question was ‘sneaky’ (ITV)

Another wrote: “Normally good at anagrams but couldn’t get that in 30 seconds.”

Someone else wrote: “Wasn’t seeing that, congratulations to the winner!” while another said: “Nthape Pathne? Nooo Thaphne? Nooo Uhhhh….. Got nothing #The1PercentClub It was Elephant! I’m not in the 1% club *crys*”

Viewers who were quick on the ball and were able to get the answer had a different reaction, though.

One said: “Yes I did it again 2 weeks running. I’ve just finished playing The 1% Club. #the1percentclub.”

Another noticed that the jumbled word was a clue in itself, writing: “Elephant the clue was there.”

Someone else stated: “#The1PercentClub I’m terrible at anagrams but that is still easier than previous 1% questions.”

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