Bartender admits they ‘judge’ people who order specific drink at the bar

Bartender admits they 'judge' people who order specific drink at the bar

Surprisingly it’s not water

Despite it being literally their job, some bartenders seem to hate pouring drinks for people. But one particular barkeep has admitted that they ‘judge’ people more if they order one specific drink.

Fortunately, she only seems to take issue with one drink, rather than another who suggested that you’re really going to annoy them by ordering one of any 10 if it’s particularly busy – at which point there can’t be that many left on the menu.

Apparently the worst thing you can say at a bar is ‘surprise me’ because you are in fact not in a movie and unless you’re best friends with the bartender, they’re not going to have a clue what you want.

Although if it was me I’d just give them one of those bottles of wines that’s been sealed for 80 years and bill them for being too difficult.

Bartenders can get worked up over certain drink orders (Getty Stock Images)

Bartenders can get worked up over certain drink orders (Getty Stock Images)

At the end of the day, a drink is just a drink and if you’re a lad and you fancy that pink fruity cocktail then just go for it. If the bartender ‘judges’ you then who cares?

However, a particularly popular TikTok post by @soundbowlbae shows a clip of her making her most hated cocktail and narrating the whole process, suggesting that she would judge anyone who orders a long island iced tea.

The classic cocktail is made up of equal parts gin, vodka, tequila, rum, and triple sec, along with a splash of lime, cola, and plenty of ice.

A Long Island iced tea (Ivano Piva/REDA/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

A Long Island iced tea (Ivano Piva/REDA/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Now when you reach my age and you start getting horrible hangovers, you’ll learn that it’s not the best idea to mix your drinks unless you want to feel the consequences the next morning.

But when you’re young and carefree, or perhaps more of a heavyweight than I, it’s understandable why you might want the bang for your buck you get when ordering a drink with four different types of alcohol inside.

The TikTok user is less sympathetic however and suggests it’s ‘insane’ to order one at the bar.

She said: “Let me tell y’all a secret. When you come up to the bar and you order a Long Island, the first thing I’m thinking is, ‘Is everything OK?’

“Like, is everything going on alright in your life ‘cos why on Earth would you want four different liquors in your drink?

“You are getting rum, vodka, tequila and gin all mixed in one. That’s just insane.”

Once you’ve had one or two of the drinks you’re probably past the point of caring, but if you’re a people pleaser, then maybe it’s best to opt for a different drink next time you hit the town.

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