Postcode Lottery winner killed as ‘speeding car mounts pavement’ months after huge win

Anna-Marie Stevens, 52, from Westcliff-on-Sea, was killed in a devastating crash after a car mounted a pavement and hit her and her daughter.

Postcode Lottery winner killed as ‘speeding car mounts pavement’ months after huge win

Anna-Marie Stevens, 52, from Westcliff-on-Sea, has been named as the victim who was killed after a car mounted a pavement in Westcliff this week. She recently won the lottery

A mum who won a whopping £13,000 on the Postcode Lottery has tragically died just months after securing the winnings.

Anna-Marie Stevens, 52, from Westcliff-on-Sea, was killed in a devastating crash after a car mounted a pavement and hit her and her 23-year-old daughter. Emergency services rushed to the corner of Hamlet Court Road and St John’s Road on Thursday night following reports of a crash. According to local councillors, the car was “speeding” at the time of the incident.

Paramedics raced her to hospital, where she was sadly pronounced dead. It has since been revealed that she was recently hailed a lottery winner and had spent most of her winnings on a heart-wrenching cause. Her death was initially announced by Milton Labour who addressed members of the community on Facebook.

The incident happened on St John’s Road 


Google Maps)

The post said: “On behalf of the Milton Councillors, it is with deep sadness that we have heard this morning that a speeding car mounted the pavement and hit a mother and child in St John’s Road in Westcliff last night. Tragically the mother passed away in hospital. Our thoughts are with the family at this sad time. This tragic accident could have been avoided and was due to speeding.” Essex Police later confirmed that the driver was arrested at the scene.

The force told The Mirror: “We were called to reports of a collision between a car and two pedestrians at the junction of Hamlet Court Road and St John’s Road at just before 5.30pm. A 52-year-old woman and her 23-year-old daughter were taken to hospital, sadly, despite the best efforts of medical professionals, the 52-year-old woman died. Her daughter’s injuries are described as not life-threatening or life changing.

Anna-Marie Stevens

Anna-Marie Stevens recently won the Postcode Lottery

“The 31-year-old driver of the car, a black Suzuki Splash, was arrested at the scene on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving and driving while unfit through drink or drugs. She remains in custody for questioning.” The mother, who has been descibed as a “lovely and caring” person, had only just won a fortune on the lottery, according to Echo.

She was interviewed by the publication in January after she spent almost her entire winnings on her dog who had fallen ill. In total, she had scored £13,305 on the lottery, but she wanted to save her beloved pet Paul who had “ingested poison” at a park. Sadly, Paul passed away from kidney failure a few days later. She said at the time: “Vets are convinced it was poison. I don’t want anyone going through the heartache that we went through. I used all my winnings from the postcode lottery, and we lost our dog, he was beautiful.”

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