Woman with 4 feet long nails answers the one thing people always ask

Woman with 4 feet long nails answers the one thing people always ask

The woman dismissed her TikTok followers’ biggest concerns

A woman defended having unbelievably long nails and explained just how she does everyday tasks in a cheeky video.

One TikToker certainly knows how to stand out and truth be told, she seems tough as nails.

Maryah, who goes by nailsbry on the social media platform, dismissed the concerns some people have about her four feet long nails.

You certainly read that right, not four inches, four feet. Having nails the size of a small child is certainly a standout and memorable quality, I suppose.

As you would guess, anyone who has seen her videos has a tonne of questions and in a now viral clip she decided to address some of them, most notably ones she’s most frequently asked.

She said: “A lot of people ask me if my nails are heavy and how I work with them

“But honestly, once you start wearing them, you gain all this finger muscle, and it doesn’t feel heavy at all.

“Can you guess how many charms I used for this here? If you guessed 155 charms, you are wrong, it is actually 156.

“This is my longest set yet, they literally as long as my torso.”

Maryah also noted how people question how she can do daily tasks and she bragged that the nails don’t actually stop her and she is more than capable since she manages to take care of her four children, including a newborn.

She said: “If I can take care of a baby with these nails, what makes you think I can’t do anything else?”

Maryah's nails are about 4 feet long (TikTok/nailsbyry_)

Maryah’s nails are about 4 feet long (TikTok/nailsbyry_)

The nail artist even admitted to using her nails as cooking utensils when stirring dishes in the kitchen. No thanks

However, one moment during the video certainly raised some eyebrows.

Maryah noted that people regularly asked ‘how I wipe my a**’.

She explained: “I can use a bidet and when I make a mess, my sister doesn’t mind helping and clean my nails – like any good sister would do.”

That wasn’t the concerning moment, however. She is seen cleaning a brown substance off her nail with soap in a sink while talking in the video. Yeah, I don’t even want to think about what it was.

The clip, posted on Jan 3 already has over 1.3 million views and, as you can guess, people started with jokes.

But many admitted while they wouldn’t personally rock the nails, they commend Maryah for her dedication to the look.

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